Merge Cube

Website link:

Merge Cube Website Link



Merge cube can be used to teach students a variety of lessons. The lessons I am highlighting are the Human Body and the Solar System. By using a cell phone or an iPad the students can view a vast amount of information. The following video highlights the use of the Merge Cube to explore the human body:

Human Body YouTube Demonstration

Students can also explore the Solar System. By clicking on the planets as they orbit the sun, students can get details about each planet.



UDL Alignment:

Merge Cubes align with the UDL principles by engaging students and allowing them through representation to use alternative way to access visual information. The cube also allows for illustration through both illustrations and text. The use of action and expression allow the student to vary the way that they navigate the cube. By allowing students to have individual choice will increase the student level of engagement.


Curriculum Alignment:

I feel that because of the high level of student interest the Merge Cube can be used in multiple subjects. I have included two science applications, but the other apps could be used for both reading and math.  The lesson that I have included uses the cube to have students explore the solar system. The students are able to determine the order of the planets and a brief description of each celestial body in the solar system.